November 25, 2016

2 tahun kemudian (again)

Memang kerja kau ialah datang dan pergi sesuka hati lols
I'm 25 years old now.
But I don't feel like getting wiser nowadays.

Baru sahaja selesai siapkan dissertaion draft.
Mohon permudahkan urusanku Ya Allah.

Cuba untuk menjadi lebih baik hari ke hari.
Tapi aku insan.
Insan itu imannya turun dan naik :(
Aku rindukan semangat yang dulu.
Rasa yang dulu.
Cinta yang dulu.

February 25, 2014

Senyum saje

How wonderful it actually feels?

To gain trust from people
When Allah ease your way
When Allah answer your du'a
When you know that it is because He wants you to get closer to Him

It is beyond regular happiness
It is...
and Fabulous!


February 21, 2014

To Turn Back Time

To be better
To learn more
To make wise decisions
To think of the future
To repent


To thank Allah.

But. Yesterday is gone.
You have got to start walking!
Don't just stand there after asking Him for a guidance on the straight path.
Have faith and keep going.